Monday, January 05, 2009

When did the freezing rain fall?

One of my chores this weekend was to remove the stuff thats been hanging out in my trunk for a while. So on Sunday,after I shoveled (thank goodness I don't have a corner lot), I went to the car for the first time since Friday. Hello sheet of ice covering my car. Took forever to scrape that sucker off, even with the car helping.

On the fun side, I got to hang out, make tasty food (quiche, peanut-sesame noodles and lot of things with cheese) and watch the Boys at play. They sure love to wrestle and chase each other around.

Friday was their last distemper shot. I found out the nickname they were given by the vet staff when boarding is "the babies". (nicer than "demon cat", which was Tempest's nickname from the vet staff.) They love them there. We played, I asked questions and they got their shots. Vet doesn't get to see them again for a year, at which point they will no longer be babies.

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