Thursday, October 16, 2008

two in one month...crazy

Yahooo! I'm on Facebook. I've caved to the public pressure and added a profile. Need to find some time to poke around though. Perhaps when other people can't see my computer screen.

I'm in Philly today. Arrived yesterday and got to watch the Phillies kick the Dodger's collective asses. They are on the way to the World Series! Philly went kind of crazy last night.

I'm here for the ASTC (Association of Science and Technology Centers) conference. Though I never seem to just attend like a normal person. I spend most of my time in the Expo since I'm here to share my Nano work. But it's always good to see scattered friends who gather for these meetings.

I'll try to keep this current and give you a taste of the conference. Exciting, no?

1 comment:

Jen said...

Exciting, YES! :) Thank you so much, beautiful lady! I am now officially stalking you.. :)