Saturday was my annual "Coerce my coworkers to snowtubing with me" event. It's in it's third year (though last year was canceled on account of extreme cold (-17 before wind chill is no time to go zipping downhill)).
This year we went to a new place, Badlands. Super cool. Very rules free and four hills to choose from. Here's a link to their site http://www.badlands-snopark.com/snotube.htm.
The most terrifying (and therefore best) hill was the Big Hill. So steep that when you stood at the top and looked down, you couldn't see the people who were ahead of you (as in - you saw then start to slide down, then they disappeared on the steep slope and then they reappear at the bottom.) I ran it twice.
The bruise is actually from the medium hill which has some awesome moguls. The first time I went down, I wasn't holding on tight enough and my tube slipped in front of me. My leg slapped the slope pretty hard.
Was it worth it? Of course.
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