Monday, March 27, 2006

so tired

Our first round of prototype testing is complete. We worked long and hard Thursday through Sunday. Today we review what needs to be changed before next weekend. Then I'm going to take a couple of days off before we do it all over again.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Universe... very big...and very small. And we don't really know how big or small it really is yet.

Omnifest is coming up and the staff preview of "Cosmic Voyage" was last night. That was the main idea. Cool, though.

Tonight is "Mystic India". I expect to go home craving tikka and panner.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I'm a "somebody"

Our bus accident made it into the paper. There's even a picture in the print version. Here's a link to the online article. I'm the "someone" who got the kitty litter.

Passengers pitch in, but the bus stays stuck
Pushing, shoveling, even kitty litter couldn't free Metro Transit bus

Monday, March 13, 2006


(and the march of the exclamation points continues)

After the warm front that melted all the snow, winter came back with a bang. All this happened over night. When I went to bed at 11pm it was raining with a light dusting of snow. This morning, I caught a glimpse of snow out my curtains so I went with the tall snow boots (just because I like them better - I had no idea how bad it was). As I left my apartment, I noticed blowing snow out the window, but I just thought it was blowing off the roof.

I was wrong. Very, very wrong. There was at least 6 inches on the ground when I got outside and it is still pouring down. You can't breath in without taking in some snow. Then there was the bus adventure. It was great to see how everyone pulled together to try to work the bus free when it got stuck. Sadly, things just got worse so I gave up on that bus and decided to walk. That resolution lasted exactly two blocks. Trudging through fresh snow during a blizzard is not fun. So I holed up with some other bus refugees in an entryway and waited an hour for the next bus to come. Now I'm at work...because a little snow doesn't stop a Minnesotan.

Adventure at every turn.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Since I seem to be temporarily obsessed with the exclamation point, I've decided to let this one stand alone.

As promised - peeps diorama planning, in process. That's Sara on the left and Renee on the right. Cari is at home, but will join us in the next phase.


Today I purchased $20 worth of assorted Peeps (but I only paid half that. I had a coupon.) This was in preparation for the Pioneer Press Peeps Diorama contents. Rule #1: Must contain Peeps. Rule #2: Must be a diorama.

Sara, Renee, Cari and I are working together on this one. I'm planning to document the process in photos. Tonight we debate the Theme.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I made cilantro lime soup last night. Yum. And the apartment smelled so good. Now I need to pack it for storage before I manage to eat all of it.

Optometrist appointment today. They are going to dilate my eyes, so the walk home should be fun.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nothing new

Worked late last night. Went home and heated up leftovers. Did not make soup. Went to bed. Would have been earlier, but the damn Colbert Report is funny. Daily Show is new again tonight. These are the kinds of things I look forward to.

Monday, March 06, 2006

planning ahead

I spent the weekend mostly cooking and cleaning. I made two loaves of banana bread. One will be breakfast this week and the other one I froze for later. Plus I made some sort of pot roast. I threw a bunch of stuff in the crock pot and took it out in the evening. I brought some in for today's lunch and we'll see how it tastes then. I'm trying to make sure to make extras of things to freeze, and sometimes I do. But its usually followed by a period of not wanting to cook and eating all my stores. Better than the reverse, I suppose. Tonight I'm making a pot of cilantro lime soup that is also destined for the freezer. After that I'm down to the dregs and I need to go shopping again.

Friday, March 03, 2006

I heart the 80's

Twice today I've been mocked for using the words "Totally" and "Awesome" (but not together, though, it's not that bad). Then I got caught chair dancing. It's totally time to leave. Luckily, today will end with beers. Ah....foamy.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I crush Winter under my bootheel

Yesterday was warm (like in the 40's). This morning, my bus stop snowpile proved vulnerable to my attacks. I could do little to whittle down the main bulk of the pile, but I spent a satisfing five minutes or so kicking off every protruding knob, including a huge foot-wide craggy outcropping. I then jumped up and down on them and reduced them to powder. The powder will be no match for the sun today and will be gone by tomorrow.

I think I'm ready for winter to be over.