Monday, July 11, 2005

Bye bye BBTR

Okay - I've felt hotter, but it is still hot here. I spent most of the weekend inside my apartment hiding from the humidity.

I did slip out for a last trip to Bound to be Read (BBTR), which was a great independent book store about a block and a half from my home. The store is closing and I'm crushed. It was a really nice store, good selection and they had lots of community events. I had even signed up to participate in a science book club. The first meeting was to be held two weeks after they announced they were closing.

The initial announcement came at the end of May. I've watched the % off signs changing in the windows. They are up to 80% off and everything must go. Really, everything. They've tagged the bookshelves, the wall hanging systems, the stuff in the coffee shop. As I was checking out, the guy behind the counter asked if I wanted to buy the convenience basket in which I was carrying my books. Um, no. But thanks for asking.

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