Friday, December 28, 2007

One year draws to an end...

Well I have my car back and my emergency fund has served its purpose. No I need to build it back up.

I had a lovely Christmas with my family in VA. We went to see the lights at the National Zoo. I also got a wonderful Sunday dinner at Dixie Bones Barbecue. Yummm.

I'm looking forward to the new year, which will start with a bang as friends come to visit.

Friday, December 14, 2007

car broke

It's official. It's more than a small repair. I need a new transmission. But the rest of the car is fine, so I'll pay for a new transmission before I seek out another used car. I won't have access to my car until middle of next week, so I'm caging rides for Tamale Day tomorrow and Sandwich night on Sunday. Can't miss those events. Need to find a way to Xmas shop, though. That's more than creeping up on me, it's hanging out in the living room waiting for me to come down the stairs.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Too much to do and not enough time

I need an extra couple of weeks before Christmas. One weekend is not enough time. I still need to buy a tree, for goodness sake. I've got several work and home projects that are all clamoring for attention and waving their deadlines around. And to make everything more fun, my car is acting up (probably the transmission). She's at the shop right now and I'm just hoping the repairs don't take too big a bite out of me.

Still having fun, though.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thai, soon

Man, is it good to be home. I'm really enjoying the travel, but the last three weeks were pretty much non-stop. I miss my co-workers. In fact, we are just about to go pick up some Thai food for lunch. Yum!

I'm itching to get back to work on the house, too. New Years will be here before I know it and it would be nice to have the closet hardware installed before that. Can't wait to have guests. We'll have a blast.