Last night, Cari and I went to a seed art class. Can't say I learned anything, but I got to root around through some new seeds. I planned my design for this year and heard about a new competition (Ramsey Co has a fair, too and just introduced a crop art catagory). It's soon, so I'd have to hurry if I wanted to enter that one. Cari was fun to hang with and we really enjoyed picking seeds for her designs (she's choosing between two).
After the class, we went to Conny's Cones for some soft serve. Cari used to work at a place just like it in FL (It's just a little roadside stand). Warm night and fresh peach ice cream. Sounds like heaven to me.
I've extended the Pantry Game (do you know what you get if you leave the 'r' out of Pantry...a whole new kind of game). I still allow myself to buy eggs, milk and butter and I've opened the field a bit more to singular ingredient adds (that must be used up in the making of the dish).
This week the single ingredient is a whole watermelon. It is really hot here (almost 90 on most days) and even the nights are still warm. One of these hot nights, I'm looking forward to cracking open that watermelon and just sucking down all that cold sweet wet fruit.
I also managed to finish my Chicken Sink mess. I made this a while back with what my CSA identified as "soup meat." It was more like ground chicken, but a really odd texture. I used it to make Chicken Sink (as in everything but the kitchen sink, but I mispronounced kitchen when I named it). It dates from a previous round of the Pantry Game (last fall) and includes lentils, corn, spinach and any other dribs and drabs that had been hanging around. It looked disgusting and tasted like a blank palate. It was really tasty once you dressed it up (with curry or herbs or spices) but you had to get past the way it looked.
This was the last batch that I had frozen and I finally figured out the best way to eat it. Lots of cumin and chili powder, salsa and cheese on top, serve with corn tortillas. Tear corn tortillas in to pieces, load with a bite of chicken mess, eat. Yummy. Not sure I'll make this again, but good to know where it wanted to go.